Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Picky Eater in the family?

Do you have a picky eater that you are having trouble transitioning to a healthier diet? Please visit Laptoplunches.com on their lunch pages for information on the following topics:

They also have some great photo ideas!
Including a Picky eater Video from Cookus Interruptus!

Also, there are some great suggestions to help you consider reducing the amount of lunchtime waste your family generates. Think about what you can do to cut down on waste.

Here are a few suggestions for getting started, but there are more at their website.

  • Pack a cloth napkin instead of a paper napkin.
  • Pack stainless-steel utensils instead of using disposable plastics.
  • Pack a reusable drink container instead of disposable juice boxes, juice pouches, cans, and plastic bottles.
Visit LapTop Lunches lunch ideas page for these, and more
great ideas!!!

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