Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A few friendly reminders!

*Drop off and Pick Up Procedures - Please be sure to park in a parking spot at drop off and pick up. This will keep the driveway from being blocked and traffic from backing up into the street. Please also walk your child to the inside of the kitchen door (in the mornings) and be sure an adult inside has seen him/her. We cannot have any children unsupervised during drop off or pick up times.

*Warm Weather Alert - The weather is still hot and sunny! Please be sure to put sunblock on your child each morning and send fresh water in an insulated, labeled bottle every day! We will be spending a lot of time outdoors and want to stay hydrated!

*Snacks - In order to model healthy snack choices, the school provided snacks for the first week of school, we hope that was a help! All students are now bringing their own healthy snack each day. Please continue to visit our HLA Blog for new ideas and to share photos or ideas of your healthy snacks/lunches. You can email HLAblog@ymail.com with your fun photos or ideas.

*Website/email Update - We have made some further updates to the website. Thank you again for all your help, Tim Sost! Hope you will take a moment to check it out. I will be doing quite a bit of communicating through email in the coming year. If you have not received any recent emails from me, please contact me (Annie Egan) with a current email address that you check on a regular basis. My email is: principal@healthylearningacademy.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

*Volunteer Ideas - We will be sending home a list of ideas of how you can help volunteer. We hope to have many volunteers listening to children read in the classrooms each day this year. You will be amazed at how fulfilling the experience will be!

*Questions???? - As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. That’s what we are here for! You can call the school at 352-372-2279, or email me at the above email address.

On behalf of the entire staff at the Healthy Learning Academy, we look forward to an exciting and rewarding school year with your children and families!

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