Thursday, September 24, 2009

Parents, have you signed up to receive the Publix GreenWise Market magazine yet?! Click HERE to get it by mail! You can often find these at the front of your Publix store near the weekly ads as well. This quarterly store magazine is chock full of great organic, healthy and nutritionally sound ideas and articles. A great bonus? COUPONS to help you save money on healthy items! Great for dinner or school lunches! If you sign up, you will get it in the mail. This is great because it can be hard to find available issues in the local Publix stores!

Here are the coupons you'll find inside the current issue:
  • $.75 off any Amy's product
    (Manufacturer Coupon - Exp. 12/31/09)
  • $1 off (2) Apple & Eve Organic Juices
    (Manufacturer Coupon - Exp. 1/31/10)
  • $1 off any Horizon Little Blends
    (Store Coupon - Exp. 12/31/09)
  • $.55 off any Horizon Organic Milk, 3-pk
    (Store Coupon - Exp. 12/31/09)
  • $1 off any Immaculate Baking Co. All Natural Take & Bake Cookie Dough
    (Store Coupon - Exp. 12/31/09)
  • $1 off (2) POM Wonderful Pomegranates
    (Manufacturer Coupon - Exp. 1/31/10)
  • $1 off wyb BOTH (1) jar Smucker's 12 oz Organic Fruit Spreads AND (1) jar Smucker's 16 oz Organic Peanut Butter
    (Manufacturer Coupon - Exp. 1/31/10)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Picky Eater in the family?

Do you have a picky eater that you are having trouble transitioning to a healthier diet? Please visit on their lunch pages for information on the following topics:

They also have some great photo ideas!
Including a Picky eater Video from Cookus Interruptus!

Also, there are some great suggestions to help you consider reducing the amount of lunchtime waste your family generates. Think about what you can do to cut down on waste.

Here are a few suggestions for getting started, but there are more at their website.

  • Pack a cloth napkin instead of a paper napkin.
  • Pack stainless-steel utensils instead of using disposable plastics.
  • Pack a reusable drink container instead of disposable juice boxes, juice pouches, cans, and plastic bottles.
Visit LapTop Lunches lunch ideas page for these, and more
great ideas!!!

A few friendly reminders!

*Drop off and Pick Up Procedures - Please be sure to park in a parking spot at drop off and pick up. This will keep the driveway from being blocked and traffic from backing up into the street. Please also walk your child to the inside of the kitchen door (in the mornings) and be sure an adult inside has seen him/her. We cannot have any children unsupervised during drop off or pick up times.

*Warm Weather Alert - The weather is still hot and sunny! Please be sure to put sunblock on your child each morning and send fresh water in an insulated, labeled bottle every day! We will be spending a lot of time outdoors and want to stay hydrated!

*Snacks - In order to model healthy snack choices, the school provided snacks for the first week of school, we hope that was a help! All students are now bringing their own healthy snack each day. Please continue to visit our HLA Blog for new ideas and to share photos or ideas of your healthy snacks/lunches. You can email with your fun photos or ideas.

*Website/email Update - We have made some further updates to the website. Thank you again for all your help, Tim Sost! Hope you will take a moment to check it out. I will be doing quite a bit of communicating through email in the coming year. If you have not received any recent emails from me, please contact me (Annie Egan) with a current email address that you check on a regular basis. My email is: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

*Volunteer Ideas - We will be sending home a list of ideas of how you can help volunteer. We hope to have many volunteers listening to children read in the classrooms each day this year. You will be amazed at how fulfilling the experience will be!

*Questions???? - As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. That’s what we are here for! You can call the school at 352-372-2279, or email me at the above email address.

On behalf of the entire staff at the Healthy Learning Academy, we look forward to an exciting and rewarding school year with your children and families!

Vegan Lunch Box Blog,... check it out!

Head over to the Vegan Lunch Box Blog for some really great ideas from cookbook author, Jennifer McCann. Her latest book, Vegan Lunch Box Around the World is recently finished..and she has posted a great set of around the world photos! A visual feast for sure! Her book details are on her blog and it is available at Amazon.

I Love Obento!

Hello HLA Family! Looking for some amazing ideas for your kiddos lunchbox? Check out the amazing and inspiring photos over at I Love Obento! Apparently they sell the bento boxes and accessories, but if you just peruse the GALLERY you can find some very cute, and very delicious looking ideas! Any favorite lunch idea websites out there that are family-friendly that you would like to share with your HLA family? Just drop an email to the BlogAdmin @, or just post a comment. Remember, our blog is private.. for school members only, so don't be shy!